Saint Frank Coffee

San Francisco, CA, USA

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We named Saint Frank after our city of San Francisco... But more specifically, the beloved Saint Francis who showed all things seemingly mundane and ordinary to be special. His life warranted the denomination of a saint while he would prefer a simple name like Frank. Saint Francis had a passion for life and connection with people and the world around him in a way that shapes our direction in coffee and service. He approached everything with a humble wide-eyed view of simplicity and courtesy. Everyone mattered to Francis. Everything was important and special, worthy of attention and service. We approach our craft with simple and restrained elegance that amplifies our values in coffee, people, and connection. For Saint Frank, coffee isn’t mundane or commodity, it isn’t “just coffee.” It has a quality to bring joy to life through its aromas and flavors but also with its ability to bring people together. There is a world and a story behind every coffee from particular people, places, and cultures. We travel to build real relationships with our producers around the world with a commitment toward quality through direct relationships but also because of a commitment to connection and quality of life from the farms to your cup. Founded by Kevin Bohlin in 2013, Saint Frank is the evolving dream for the experience of coffee toward a simple joy in life, but also toward social connection and celebration of people, place, and culture. Kevin discovered that small scale poor farmers produced some of the most complex and incredible coffees in the world, yet they had no experience of what was happening to their work thousands of miles away or its tremendous value and appreciation by specialty coffee drinkers.

Download the app for the full Tasting Ground community experience.

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