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AA Kiamabara is a very elegant coffee, floral, sweet, and juicy. Pleasant notes of hibiscus, red currant, lemongrass, and brown sugar. Soft herbal and black tea-like. Kenyan coffee never ceases to impress us. Mugaga Farmers Cooperative Society is located in Central Province, Nyeri District in Konyu and it rests on a piece of land serving Gathugu, Gatina, Kieni and Kagumoini and Kiamabara villages and has around 910 farmer members. Most of the farmer members have quite a small production, with only 2 ha on average, at about 1600 m above sea level and have the typical red soil for Kenya. The main varieties of coffee grown are SL28 and Ruiru 11, with SL28 accounting for about 99% of all coffee produced while Ruiru 11 taking a small portion of 1% of total output. In line with the rising awareness on the need to conserve the environment the factory has initiated a couple of projects among these are the wastewater soak pits, of which the factory has 3. Here the water is allowed to soak in back to the soil. The affiliate members of the FCS carry out all agronomic activities associated with coffee production, for example, they source coffee from the Coffee Research Station and plant it according to the stipulated guidelines. Fieldwork carried out involves weeding, pruning, spraying, and application of fertilizer, mulching and technical advice. Technical advice is offered through farmer training programs and field visits/days offered by ministry of agriculture. After harvesting all the coffee is delivered to the factory and undergoes the wet processing method. Water is pumped using electric pumps from River Ruiru to the reservoir tanks for pulping and recirculation. After pulping the coffee is stored overnight, washed, soaked and spread on the drying tables. The parchment is then frequently turned on the drying tables, sorted and stored awaiting delivery to the millers who are also the marketing agent. Compliance to the agreed guidelines is checked and supervised by the field committee which goes round the farms. They also encourage farmers who have abandoned their coffee bushes to plant more since they are earning high prices. Currently the factory provides credit facilities for school fees, farm inputs, advance payments, emergencies and other incentives to farmers.




Sweet & Sugary


Single Origin



Nyeri, Kenya






Ruiru 11, SL-28






Mugaga Farmers’ Cooperative Society


Kiambara Village

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