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This genetically superior coffee grows in the southern part of Ethiopia, in the Yirgacheffe region, in a town called Gedeb. It is a coffee grown in Semi Forest and Garden almost entirely. The coffee grown as garden coffee is found in the vicinity of the residences of the producers themselves, we could even assure without mistake that it is the coffee that grows in the garden that surrounds their houses. It is a coffee washed and later dried on African beds. They are characterized by being clean, floral coffees, with high acidity and delicate due to their washed process and their production in height. The Jabo Neniko washing station is where the grains are pulped, fermented and then put to dry in the sun inside the parchment. Once processed, they are taken to Addis Ababa, where MOPLACO monitors and controls the quality of each batch to ensure the highest standards. Heleanna Georgalis has been at the helm of MOPLACO since 2008. She is immersed in the third wave of coffee, caring in the first person about the quality of the coffee that she exports. She continues with the legacy of her father, and she claims to feel passion for this world where she herself can experiment in processes and have fun being able to see the results. It is important to highlight that the uniqueness of Ethiopian coffees lies in the `` no genetic modification '' of the coffee plants. In Ethiopia there are thousands of unexplored varieties and those that are known remain intact, and this Heleanna emphasizes every time she talks about it. Ethiopia is the cradle of coffee, the varieties are specific to each area, scientists have recognized 37 varieties of which 34 are natural. Many times we find that Ethiopian coffee is of the Heirloom variety and what it means is "ancient root", it does not define the variety itself, but is generic. The variety is named after the area in which it grows and where it has been growing for several years, it must have the characteristic flavor of the area.






Single Origin



Yirga Chefe, Ethiopia












Jabo Neniko Washing Station

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