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Reminds us of: Black Tea, Lemon & Rainier Cherry This coffee is everything you want in a washed Ethiopian coffee. Delicate structure, Bright acidity and fruity flavor notes. We finished up our last Ethiopian coffees and could stand the idea of not having one available for all of you lovely people. So, we brought one of our favorites. Origin: Yirgacheffe Getachew is a very experienced producer who is known for his skill in managing high quality, efficient production levels. Around 600 smallholder farmers delivery ripe cherries to this washing station, many of which are from small family plots that include recently planted trees of improved varietals as well as traditional old varieties. Once cherries have been delivered to the washing station, the laborious hand selection of ripe cherries begin. Next, cherries are dried on thin layers of raised beds to ensure consistent fermentation levels. This process requires intense labour and immaculate attention to detail to ensure the flavours are well maintained and stable. The rich soil around this area combined with the processing method contribute to a refined final cup that is focused, sweet and complex.


Black Tea



Single Origin



Yirga Chefe, Ethiopia




Wolisho, Dega





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