duck-rabbit coffee
Cleveland, OH, USA
This is an exclusive offering selected together with William Frederick for our collaboration. Each box has been screen printed with one of two designs taken from collab apparel. This coffee comes to us from coffee alchemist Edwin Noreña. Edwin is a 3rd generation coffee producer, trained agronomist, certified Q-grader, sought after Cup of Excellence judge, and known for pushing the bounds of coffee processing. His farm, Campo Hermosa, is in Quindío, Colombia, which sits on the Pacific side of the Cordillera Central branch of the Andes. Edwin looks to amplify characteristics inherent in the coffee he produces and selects through his processing techniques. This lot went through a two-stage carbonic maceration type fermentation. In the first stage full coffee fruit is placed in sealed tanks and injected with CO2. As coffee ferments it's generating CO2, and as CO2 fills the tanks it creates pressure. Under pressure the coffee fruit secretes juices (mossto). So, by injecting the tanks with CO2 Edwin is simply accelerating the process. After 72 hours, the coffee is removed and pulped (skin and some fruit removed), mossto is collected, filtered, and both pulped coffee and mossto go back into sealed, CO2 rich tanks for another 72 hours. Different fermentation environments will favor different sets of microorganisms. Different microorganisms active in the fermentation will bear differently on the cup. Other things like length of fermentation, pressure in system, state of coffee (whole fruit, pulped, washed, etc.), and length and method of drying are also factors in processing that influence the cup. After the second fermentation, this lot was dried on patios for 15-18 days with some fruit still intact (honey process). The resulting cup is unique and outstanding. The cup's hallmark is it's pronounced herbaceous and floral tones that come off like lavender, thyme, and sweet basil. Also present is a lemon-like vibrance and simple syrup-like sweetness that all comes together to make for a truly brilliant cup.
Single Origin
Quindio, Colombia
Carbonic Maceration Natural
Edwin Noreña
Campo Hermosa