duck-rabbit coffee

Cleveland, OH, USA

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duck-rabbit coffee is a coffee roaster in Cleveland, Ohio. We work hard to curate some of the world’s best, most interesting, hard to reach, rare, and exotic coffees, roast them well, and present them in a way to allow for meaningful engagement and a quality experience. Our treatment of the coffees we source is largely to expose them. We want to offer a clean cup that allows for a coffee’s unique and special attributes to be clearly seen, experienced, and enjoyed. In presenting these coffees we want to give a sense of where the coffee was grown, who grew it, how it was processed, inform about varietals, and provide whatever information we think is important to help understand the coffee before you without any interference from distracting design or unnecessary information. In short, we want to provide unobstructed and informed views at all-showing cups of incredible coffees.

Download the app for the full Tasting Ground community experience.

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