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This lot was grown at high altitudes in the Cordillera Central branch of the Colombian Andes by Edward Sandoval. Edward worked for many years as a field technician for the Federacion Nacional de Cafeteros ("FNC"). When he broke away from the FNC and set out to start his own farm, Finca Canta Ranas, he decided to plant varieties that were not promoted by his previous employer due to their need for a higher degree of management, but that are capable of producing a higher value cup, like Chiroso, Wush Wush, Gesha and Moka. Edward's farm is small, just 3 hectares, and stretches up to about 1850 meters above sea level. This is a Chiroso lot. The Chiroso cultivar is a special and coveted cultivar that has only recently been identified. Genetically it is directly linked to Ethiopian landraces. It was first identified in the Urrao, Antioquia, Colombia, and started winning competitions in 2014. The seeds are elongated, the trees display dwarfism, and the cup is delicate and often floral with very high cup quality potential. The cup is clean and elegant with light florals and nice vibrancy. Baking spice notes are out front and fade into notes like melon, lemongrass, and royal jelly.





Single Origin



Tolima, Colombia








Edward Sandoval

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