It all started in Melbourne, Australia. I got there in the process of searching for something that is a little different .. As soon as I arrived in the city in search of a job, I came to Cafe " Einstein 251", an Australian cafe with a warm and welcoming Mediterranean atmosphere . That's where I discovered my passion for coffee. The theory of coffee fascinated me, the precision in the preparation process, the extraction of the espresso infusion, the milk frothing, and the pouring dishes and finally the atmosphere, the smile and the connection with the people are what made me fall in love . After years of working as a barista I became interested in the raw material that attracted me so much. I searched for different varieties of coffee in the world , I started researching the countries of cultivation and learning about the different flavors produced from different lands and different plantations. I purchased my first roasting device, "Havitosh" - a homemade and authentic roasting device, with which I started experimenting with home roasting . I tried and made mistakes, I tried and learned the taste and character of the different varieties. I learned how the level of roasting affects the taste of the coffee , I experimented with the different varieties, in different mixes and I refined the flavors. That's how I found the right dosage and the color of the roast to match each of my four mixes - house, forest, nut and mud. From sour flavors to bitter flavors, from a floral aroma to a wonderful chocolate aroma . Today, Cafe Moshitz is a home. A boutique and fine coffee roasting house , for hosting experiential coffee workshops and a pampering coffee cart at your events.