PERC Coffee

Savannah, GA, USA

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PANTHER’S EYE ROASTING COMPANY... Roasted our first batch in the spring of 2010 in Savannah, GA. It quickly became clear we needed a shorter name. Luckily, the acronym PERC worked great. It was me, a roaster, and some tunes cranked up real loud. I started slinging bags at the farmers' market and brewing at events around town. After hooking up with a handful of accounts, I hired our first two employees, my parents. As things kept rocking, we needed more capacity. So we moved to a big warehouse with a larger roaster, a retail shop, and a cupping and training space. We also needed a team. So I partnered with some fantastic humans, Alan Fischer, Amber Foreman, Taylor Kimball, and Andrew Kapral. We came together like Voltron to take things to the next level. We started opening shops in my hometown of Atlanta. We wanted the spaces to be bright and fun with loads of good vibes. We wanted to challenge ourselves to provide our customers the highest level of coffee and hospitality. We also added our Atlanta HQ with offices, training space, and an interpretive dance studio, OK, not that last part :) We have big plans for the future. But no matter what's in store, we'll always be down-to-earth coffee people excited to share good times and awesome coffee with everyone we meet.

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