Process Coffee Roasters

Santa Monica, CA, USA

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Process, for us, simply means journey. It means celebrating how far we have come, the growth - while acknowledging that there is more work to be done. This is true for us personally, but also for our coffee roasting venture and the coffee industry in general. Coffee makes the world a smaller place. Before getting to you - it may be grown in any number of locations. Places like Ethiopia, Kenya, Colombia, Guatemala, Yemen or even China. Then it’s harvested, processed, packaged, shipped, roasted, packaged again, and shipped again. So many people are involved in the process of making coffee a quality drink that can be accessible in almost all parts of the world. We want to make that world even smaller by inviting you to discover with us each step in the process, bringing light to each person, and assuring each person involved gets an equitable return for their work. Sadly that is often not the case. We’ve come a long way, but there is more work to be done. There is always more to the process. Everything and everyone is in process - constantly changing, adapting, and evolving. When it comes to coffee, we are committed to making sure these changes are desirable and profitable for all - not just the ones who stand to benefit most from the changes.

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